Creating the properties file on Linux

To install desktop clients in the silent mode, you must first create a properties file that contains the data required to install the product. Alternatively, you can generate the properties file by using the stand-alone installer.

About this task

You can create the properties file by following one of these methods:
  • Generating the properties file by using the stand-alone installer. See 1.
  • Copying the contents of the sample properties file to your local properties file. See 2.


  1. Generate the properties file by entering the command in the terminal:./<Product installer name>.exe -r <destination path/file name>
  2. Create your properties file by copying the following sample properties file:
    #Host Name 
    # Replay feature output
    # ---------------------
    # This file was built by the Replay feature of Installer.
    # It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
    #Destination Folder


You have generated or created the properties file.