Generating API keys for the Xray app in Jira

You must generate API keys for the Xray app in Jira and use them to configure the Xray integration in HCL OneTest Server. The Xray API keys are used by Jira to authenticate the requests from HCL OneTest Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:


  1. Log in to Jira.
  2. Click Settings > Apps.

    The apps that are installed in Jira are listed in the navigation pane.

  3. Find the Xray App in the navigation pane, and then click the API Keys option.

    The API Keys page is displayed.

  4. Click Create API Key.

    The Create API Key dialog is displayed.

  5. Enter your username in the User field, and then select the username that is displayed.
  6. Click Generate.

    The API keys are generated and displayed under the Client Id and Client Secret fields.

  7. Click the Copy icon Image of the copy icon. in the Client Id field to copy the key, and then paste the copied key into a text file.
  8. Click the Copy icon Image of the copy icon. in the Client Secret field to copy the key, and then paste the copied key into a text file.


You have generated the Xray API keys in Jira.

What to do next

You must use the Xray API keys to configure the Xray integration in HCL OneTest Server. See Configuring the Xray integration.