A read time-out occurred during a socket I/O read from web-server '%1' retrieving URI '%2'. Since this URI is the primary request for the current page all secondary requests will be skipped and the next page will be attempted. Current time-out value of '%3' milliseconds should be increased if long delays are expected on this page.

The server did not return the response data before the timeout interval elapsed. If the server is under heavy load, the behavior can be caused by bottlenecks on the server or the agent computers. This error can also occur if an incorrect request is sent and the server is unable to respond.
If the server is under heavy load, examine the server and agent computers to find and fix bottlenecks. Increase the timeout value. To stop tests or virtual users when this error occurs, enable error handling in the test and configure the server timeout error condition. If the server is not under heavy load, examine the request to ensure that it is valid and accurate.