Editing Performance Profile Filters

Performance Profiling for C and C++

Use the Filter Editor to create or modify filters that allow you to hide or show routines in the performance profile report, based on specified filter criteria.

By default, routines that match the filter criteria are hidden in the report. Use the Invert filter option to invert this behaviour: only routines that match the filter criteria are displayed.

Routine filters can be defined with one or more of the following criteria:

  • Name: Specifies the name of a routine as the filter criteria.

  • Calls > and Calls <: The number times the function was called is greater or lower than the specified value.

  • F Time > and F Time <: Function time greater or lower than the specified value.

  • F+D Time > and F+D Time <: Function and descendant time greater or lower than the specified value.

  • F Time (%) > and F Time (%) <: Function time, expressed in percentage, greater or lower than the specified value.

  • F+D Time (%) > and F+D Time (%) <: Function and descendant time, expressed in percentage, greater or lower than the specified value.

  • Average > and Average <: The average time spent executing the function greater or lower than the specified value.

To define a routine filter:

  1. In the Name box, specify a name for the filter.

  2. Click More or Fewer to add or remove a criteria.

  3. From the drop-down criteria box, select a criteria for the filter, and an argument.

    Arguments must reflect an exact match for the criteria. Pay particular attention when referring to labels that appear in the sequence diagram since they may be truncated.

    You can use wildcards (*) or regular expressions by selecting the corresponding option.

  4. Add or remove a criteria by clicking the More or Fewer buttons.

  5. Click Ok.

Related Topics

Applying Performance Profile Filters | Performance Profiling Results | Using the Performance Profiling Viewer