Unit coverage

Code Coverage for Ada

Unit Entries

Unit entries determine which units are executed and/or evaluated.

-- Function factorial

-- -proc

function factorial ( a : in integer ) return integer is


if ( a > 0 ) then

return a * factorial ( a - 1 );


return 1;

end if;

end factorial ;

One branch is defined for each defined and instrumented unit. In the case of a package, the unit entry only exists if the package body contains the begin/end instruction block.

For Protected units, no unit entry is defined because this kind of unit does not have any statements blocks.

Unit Exits and Returns

These are the standard exit (if it is coverable), each return instruction (from a procedure or function), and each exception-processing block in the unit.

-- Function factorial

-- -proc=ret

function factorial ( a : in integer ) return integer is


if ( a > 0 ) then

return a * factorial ( a - 1 );


return 1;

end if ;

end factorial ; -- the standard exit is not coverable

-- Procedure divide

procedure divide ( a,b : in integer; c : out integer ) is


if ( b == 0 ) then

text_io.put_line("Division by zero" );


end if ;

if ( b == 1 ) then

c := a;


end if ;

c := a / b;


when PROGRAM_ERROR => null ;

end divide ;

For Protected units, no exit is defined because this kind of unit does not have any statements blocks.

In general, at least two branches per unit are defined; however, in some cases the coding may be such that:

  • There are no unit entries or exits (a package without an instruction block (begin/end), protected units case).

  • There is only a unit entry (an infinite loop in which the exit from the task cannot be covered and therefore the exit from the unit is not defined).

The entry is always numbered if it exists. The exit is also numbered if it is coverable. If it is not coverable, it is preceded by a terminal instruction containing return or raise instructions; otherwise, it is preceded by an infinite loop.

A raise is considered to be terminal for a unit if no processing block for this exception was found in the unit.

Related Topics

Selecting coverage types | Code Coverage settings