Starting and stopping HCL Quality Server

You can start HCL Quality Server to enable users to log in by using a web browser. If the server is installed as a service, you can configure it for automatic startup on boot or for manual startup on demand.

About this task

On Windows systems, the server is, by default, configured to be installed as a service, and for automatic startup on boot. If you cleared these selections during the installation, then use the Modify option of IBM® Installation Manager to update the installation. See Starting and stopping on Windows systems.

On non-Windows systems, after installation, you must manually configure the server as a service. See the following procedures for non-Windows systems:
Note: You must run commands as an Administrator from the Windows command line.

Starting and stopping on Windows systems


Start and stop the server from the Windows command line:
  • Start the server from the command line. Run the startup.bat file from the default location C:\Program Files\HCL\HCLProducts\QualityServer\bin.
  • Stop the server from the command line. Run the shutdown.bat file from the default location C:\Program Files\HCL\HCLProducts\QualityServer\bin.
Start and stop the server if the server was installed as a Windows service:
  • Start the service from the Start menu. Click HCL OneTest > Start HQS.
    Note: By default, the server is configured to start automatically on boot.
  • Stop the service from the Start menu. Click HCL OneTest > Stop HQS.
Modify the Windows service from automatic startup to manual startup:
  • Follow these steps to change from automatic startup to manual startup:
    1. Go to Control Panel, and select System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Double-click HCL Quality Server.
    3. Change the startup type from Automatic to Manual. Click OK.
      Tip: You can also use this Control Panel option to start or stop the service.

Starting and stopping on non-Windows systems

Before you begin

Ensure that you have root permissions.

About this task

You can use either the init shell script or the systemd script to start or stop HCL Quality Server. You can find the scripts in /opt/HCL/HCLProducts/QualityServer/bin.


Start the server on non-Windows systems. Do one of the following steps:
  • If you are using the init shell script run the file from the default location or where you installed HCL Quality Server.
  • If you are using the systemd script, follow these steps:
    1. Install the file and set permissions:
      sudo cp hqs.service /etc/systemd/system/hqs.service
      sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/hqs.service
    2. Start the service:
      sudo systemctl start hqs

      For more information about systemd, see the systemd documentation.

Stop the server on non-Windows systems. Do one of the following steps:
  • If you are using the init shell script, run the file from the default location: /opt/HCL/HCLProducts/QualityServer/bin.
  • If you are using the systemd script, run sudo systemctl stop hqs.
Configure automatic start on boot on non-Windows systems. Do one of the following steps.
  • Follow these steps to configure automatic start on boot for the init shell script:
    1. Add the script to the path /etc/init.d.
    2. Create symbolic links to the script in the run-level folders, for example, /etc/rc3.d.
      Tip: For automatic shutdown, copy the script to the path /etc/init.d, and create a symbolic link in the run-level folders, for example, /etc/rc0.d.
    3. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
      sudo update-rc.d defaults 
  • Follow these steps to configure automatic start on boot for the systemd script:
    1. Enable automatic startup:
      sudo systemctl enable hqs
    2. Check the status:
      sudo systemctl status hqs

Configuring automatic start on boot on RedHat Linux systems

Before you begin

Ensure that you have root permissions.

About this task

The steps for RedHat Linux systems are different from those for non-Windows systems.


  1. Add the script to the path /etc/init.d.
  2. Create symbolic links to the script in the run-level folders, for example, /etc/rc3.d.
  3. Edit (located at both /etc/init.d and /etc/rc3.d) by using the following command: nano
  4. Replace the following lines:
    . /opt/HCL/QualityServer/bin/ 
    /opt/HCL/QualityServer/bin/server start defaultServer
    with the following:
    #chkconfig: 345 99 01 
    . /opt/HCL/QualityServer/bin/ 
    /opt/HCL/QualityServer/bin/server start defaultServer

    This adds to chkconfig.

  5. Run the following command: ntsysv.

    This command runs automatically on boot.