Adding an identity to the Physical view

You can use an Identity when it is necessary to authenticate to a third party (for example, when you are importing or synchronizing with a WSDL by using a secure URL, when you are monitoring a remote log file over SSH). To add an Identity to the Physical view of the Architecture School perspective, use the General menu.

Click General > Identity to add an Identity to your project.

Configure Identity settings in the Identity window.
Table 1. Fields that define an Identity
Field Description
Type The type of authentication to use.
Configuration Authentication details, depending on the value of the Type field:
The user name and password that are to be sent.
Certificate/Private Key
An existing identity store and one of the private keys that it contains.
SSH Private Key
Enter a user name and browse to select the appropriate private key. If a passphrase is required for the selected key, enter it in the Passphrase field.
The user name and password, the name of the relevant RACF® entity, and the name of the relevant application.
A user name, password, and relevant LTPA provider. You can create multiple identities for a single LTPA provider.
Note: The name of the identity resource in the Physical View reflects the type of authentication and the authentication details.