Kubernetes Terminology


A node is a virtual machine or phyiscal machine with CPU/RAM resources. This is the hardware component that makes up a kubernetes cluster. Example nodes are worker nodes and master nodes.


A pod is the simplest unit that exists within kuberenetes. Typically this is 1 more more containers. It is pods that get scheduled to run on kubernetes nodes.

Cluster (kubernetes)

Is made up of 1 or more nodes. They provide a resource for a kubernetes solution to be deployed into and managed.


An abstract API object that exposes an application’s network services.

Helm chart

A helm chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of kubernetes resources. A helm chart is typically a group of yaml files and other associated files that is used to deploy a solution into kubernetes.


A kubernetes operator is an application specific controller that extends the functionality of the kubernetes API.


A kubernetes object that allows you to expose an external IP address to outside the kubernetes cluster.