General Terminology

To undestand how OneDB Database server is deployed in a kubernetes environment, it is important that you have a basic knowledge of certain terms:


A container image is a lightweight standalone executable package of software that includes everything to run an application includeing system libraries, tools etc.


Docker is the leading technology for containizeration. When people think of containers they typcially think of docker. Although it is not the only container technology.


A microservices architecture is a method of designing an overall solution to be broken up into smaller parts instead of a single monolithic application. Containers make this a natural path of software development as different pieces can be represented by a different container image.

OneDB HA Cluster

This use of the term cluster refers to the High availability nature of 2 or more OneDB Database servers working together. A 2 nodes OneDB HA cluster will consist of a OneDB HA Primary server and a OneDB HA Secondary server. More servers can be added into a OneDB HA Cluster, in this context the additional servers would be added as OneDB HA RSS nodes.