Creating custom spaces

The helm chart configuration parameter customSpace can be used to create and setup spaces. Following table details the options available for the creation of spaces. When defining the customSpace parameter, you must create a well formed json document.
Parameter Description Example Value
name The name of the space my_data_dbspace

The type of space to create. Supported values are:

dbspace: normal dbspace

llog : logical log dbspace

plog: physical log dbspace

sbspace: smart blobspace

tempdbspace: temporary dbspace

tempsbspace: temporary smart blobspace

pagesize The size of the space, supported values are 2k,4k,6k,8k,16k 4k
size Size of the space, supported values are GB, MB, KB 10GB

Used for smart blobspaces to enable loging

1: enable logging

0: disable logging

    customSpace: >- 
            {“name”:”datadbs”, “type”: “dbspace”, “pagesize”: “4k”, “size”: “4GB” }, 
            {“name”:”logdbs”, “type”: “llog”, “size”: “2GB” }, 
            {“name”:”plogdbs”, “type”: “plog”, “size”:  “4GB” }, 
            {“name”:”sbspace1”, “type”: “sbspace”, “size”: “1GB” , “logging”: 1}, 
            {“name”:”tmpdbspace1”, “type”: “tempdbspace”,”pagesize”: “4k”, “size”: “1GB” }, 
            {“name”:”tmpsbsp1”, “type”: “tempsbspace”, “size”: “500MB” } 