Sample helm override file

When specifying helm chart parameters, you can specify them on the command line. When specifying a number of parameters it is sometimes more convenient to create a file with the override parameters. The following example shows a single file that uses customServerEnv, appUsers and customInitSQL in a single file.

FILE:  onedb.override.yaml 
        ONEDB_USER_MANAGEMENT: “true” 
        ONEDB_USER: “user1” 

    appUsers: >- 
        {“user”:”user1”, “password”:”Passw0rd”, “group”:”dba”, “uid”: 1005, “gid”:2001,

    customInitSQL:  |- 
        create database stores with log; 
        create user dbauser with password ‘Passw0rd’ account unlock properties user ‘user1’


The above yaml file sets two environment variable that are used in the container Image to enable database users. It then creates one os user to be used as the operating system user that the created database user will have permissions as.