Connecting from Inside the cluster

OneDB Native SQLI connection are accessible through the OneDB Connection Manager. A kubernetes service will be created with the deployment and that service name is used for connections. The ambassador service is created for the non-SQLI connections. The ambassador service is setup as a Loadbalancer type where as the OneDB Connection Manager has a default setting of ClusterIP.

kubectl get services

  NAME                   TYPE               CLUSTER-IP         EXTERNAL-IP            PORT(S)                 AGE
sofy-1-ambassador        LoadBalancer        80:32653/TCP,44            68m    
sofy-1-odbp-mongo        ClusterIP       <none>                27017/TCP                  69m        
sofy-1-odbp-rest         ClusterIP        <none>                8080/TCP                   69m   
sofy-1-odbp-explore      ClusterIP         <none>                8080/TCP                   71m        
onedbcm-cm-service       ClusterIP        <none>                10000:30248/TCP            77m        
The OneDB Connection manager supports “Redirected” and “Proxied” connections. For internal connections it is recommended to use “Redirected” connections. The following table shows the Internal connection string to use for each driver type. From within the cluster the .{namespace}.svc.cluster.local may not be needed from the URL below:
Driver URL Example URL
OneDB driver (SQLI-Primary) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10000 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
OneDB driver (SQLI-Secondary) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10001 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
OneDB driver (SQLI-Any) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10002 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
OneDB driver (SQLI-Primary-SSL) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10020 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
OneDB driver (SQLI-Secondary-SSL) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10021 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
OneDB driver (SQLI-Any-SSL) onedbcm-cm-service.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:10022 jdbc:onedb://{url}/sysmaster
Mongo combatible driver <Release-Name>-odbp-mongo:27017 mongodb://<release-name>-odbp-mongo:27017
REST <Release-Name>-odbp-rest:8080 http://<release-name>-odbp-rest:8080
Explore <Release-Name>-odbp-explore:8080 http://<release-name>-odbp-explore:8080