Connection credentials

The following table shows the default connection credentials. This can be changed accordingly.
Product/Driver User Password
Explore admin testPassw0rd
REST - -
Mongo mongo mongoPassword
SQL Data Store onedbsa onedb4ever

The REST connection uses a database connection. You can connect with onedbsa or any other use that was created in the OneDB SQL Data Store.

To change the onedbsa password for the OneDB SQL Data Store use the following configuration override values. If you change this password it is important that you make changes to mongo, rest and explore.

        dbsapwd: one1dba4ever
If you change the passowrd for OneDB SQL Datastore (onedb-sql), you must tell the mongo,rest and explore charts how to connect to the OneDB SQL Datastore (onedb-sql). See the following configuration overrides.

    databasePassword:  one1dba4ever

    databasePassword:  one1dba4ever

        password: one1dba4ever
To change the user and password for OneDB Mongo use the following configuration override values. If you change this password it is important that you make changes to mongo, rest and explore.

    mongoUser: mymongo
    mongoPassword: mongoPassword

To change the admin password for OneDB Explore. Use the following configuration override values. If you change this password it is important that you make changes to mongo, rest and explore.

    adminPassword: newPassw0rd