When to delete restore files

If you repeatedly run the same archecker table-level restore, you must clean up the archecker table-level restore working files and tables from the previous runs. These working tables refer to acu_ tables in the sysutils database that are created during an archecker table-level restore. The archecker table-level restore working files and tables are kept after an archecker table-level restore completes in case these files and tables are needed for diagnosing problems.

You can remove the working files and tables by explicitly running the command archecker -DX or by using the -d option when you run the next archecker table-level restore command. The -d option indicates that all files and tables from the previous run of archecker table-level restore are removed before the new restore begins.
  • ontape example: archecker -tdvs -fschema_command_file
  • onbar example: archecker -bdvs -fschema_command_file