Manually control a logical restore

You can manually control the stager and applier with the -l command-line option.

The following examples show how to perform a logical restore. In all examples, the name of the schema command file is cmdfile.

The following example is a typical usage:
archecker -bvs -f cmdfile
This command is equivalent to the following command:
archecker -bvs -f cmdfile -lphys,stage,apply

After the physical restore is complete, the archecker utility starts the stager. After the stager has started, the applier is automatically started.

In the following example, the -lphys option performs a physical-only restore:
archecker -bvs -f cmdfile -lphys
In the following example, the -lstage option starts the archecker stager. The stager extracts the logical log records from the storage manager and saves the applicable records to a table.
archecker -bvs -f cmdfile -lstage
The stager should only be started after physical recovery has completed.
In the following example, the -lapply option starts the archecker applier. It looks in the acu_control table for the transaction to recover. The applier should only be started after the stager has been started.
archecker -bvs -f cmdfile -lapply