Creating a space or chunk from the storage pool

If your storage pool contains entries, you can create storage spaces or chunks from free space in the storage pool.

Before you begin

Prerequisite: The storage pool must contain entries (a directory, cooked file, or raw device).

About this task

To create a storage space or chunk from the storage pool:


Run the admin() or task() function with one of the following arguments for creating a space from the storage pool. The elements you use in the command vary, depending on the type of space that you are creating.
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create dbspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "page_size", "mirroring_flag", "first_extent", "next_extent");
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create tempdbspace from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size", "page_size");
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create blobspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "page_size", "mirroring_flag",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create sbspace from storagepool", "space_name",
     "size", "log_flag", "mirroring_flag",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create tempsbspace from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size",);
  • EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create chunk from storagepool",
     "space_name", "size",);


The following command creates a mirrored blobspace named blobspace1. The new blobspace has a size of 100 gigabytes and a blobpage size of 100 pages.

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create blobspace from storagepool", "blobspace1", "100 GB",
 "100", "1");

The following command adds a chunk to the dbspace named logdbs. The new chunk has a size of 200 megabytes.

EXECUTE FUNCTION task("create chunk from storagepool", "logdbs", "200 MB");