Starting the wire listener

RTC 31288 IH 4/11/16You can start the wire listener for the MongoDB API by using the start command.

Before you begin


To start the wire listener, run the wire listener command with the -start option.
For example:
java -jar $INFORMIXDIR/bin/jsonListener.jar
-config $INFORMIXDIR/etc/ -start


The wire listener starts.


In the following example, the wire listener is started with the configuration file specified as, the log file specified as jsonListener_mongo.log, and the log level specified as info:
java -jar $INFORMIXDIR/bin/jsonListener.jar
-config $INFORMIXDIR/etc/
-logfile $INFORMIXDIR/jsonListener_mongo.log
-loglevel info -start
Here is the output from starting the wire listener:
starting mongo listener on port 27017