What's new in HCL OneDB 1.0.1

This section includes information about the new, enhanced, and removed features in HCL OneDB™ 1.0.1

What's new in HCL OneDB

Apache Log4j vulnerability (December 2021) issue is addressed in this release as the Log4j library used is upgraded to v 2.16.

What's new in HCL OneDB


  • The HCL OneDB REST API allows application developers to access data in their HCL OneDB database server through simple HTTP requests. Applications can query, insert, load, update, and delete data in relational tables, in JSON collections, or in Time Series tables all through simple, JSON-based REST requests. See REST API documentation for OneDB
SQL Enhancements
Backup & Restore Enhancement
  • New configuration parameter PSM_CATALOG_BACKUP is added to support backup and restore of the PSM catalog to a single JSON object. The JSON object can be stored in a local file in the machine or in a supported public cloud (Currently only S3). See PSM_CATALOG_BACKUP configuration parameter.
  • Updated the syntax for creating cloud devices. All the parameters to access the public cloud, must be stored in a keystore file created with the onkstore utility.
  • Removed the support of storing any authentication information for cloud devices in the PSM catalog. From this release onwards, all the authentication information will be stored in the keystore file.
  • Enhanced to support device scan and purge operation against cloud devices. See Managing backup devices.
  • Enhanced to support a fast device scan algorithm to increase the performance of scan operations.
JDBC Enhancements