Link static HCL OneDB general libraries

Beginning with HCL OneDB™ Client Software Development Kit version 3.0, static versions of HCL OneDB general libraries are available on Windows™ and UNIX™ operating systems.

The static HCL OneDB general libraries retain their pre-version 7.2 names. Static-library names have the following formats:
  • A non-thread-safe static HCL OneDB general library has a name of the form libxxx.a.
  • A thread-safe static HCL OneDB general library has a name of the form libthxxx.a.
In these static-library names, xxx identifies the particular static HCL OneDB general library. With version 7.2 and later, the static and thread-safe static HCL OneDB general libraries use names of this format as their actual names. The following sample output shows the actual names for the libos static (libos.a) and thread-safe static (libthos.a) libraries:
% cd $INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql
% ls -l lib*os.a
-rw-r--r--  1 informix   145424 Nov 8 01:40 libos.a
-rw-r--r--  1 informix   168422 Nov 8 01:40 libthos.a

The esql command links the code that is associated with the actual names of the static HCL OneDB general libraries into the application. At run time, your program can access these HCL OneDB general-library functions directly from its executable file.