Data transformation filter parameters for ontape

The BACKUP_FILTER and RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameters specify the names of external programs that you can use to transform data before backup and after a restore.

Specifies the location and name of an external filter program used in data transformation. This filter transforms data before backing it up, such as compressing it. The transformed data is then backed up and stored as a single file. The filter path points to the $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory by default, or an absolute path of the program
Specifies the location and name of an external filter program used in data transformation. This filter transforms data back to its original state before the backup, such as extracting it, before returning the data to the server. The filter path points to the $INFORMIXDIR/bin directory by default, or an absolute path of the program
Prerequisite: The data must have previously been transformed with the BACKUP_FILTER parameter.

See BACKUP_FILTER configuration parameter and RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameter for syntax and usage information, which is the same for ON-Bar and ontape.