Backing up the ISM catalog

The ism_catalog -create_bootstrap command creates a full backup of the HCL® OneDB® Storage Manager catalog when the catalog is first used. Afterwards, the ism_catalog -create_bootstrap command performs incremental backups.

Therefore, the media or volume containing the first bootstrap creation is always necessary in order to restore the bootstrap successfully.

To avoid the need for the first media or volume during bootstrap restore, a full bootstrap backup must be performed every time. The level must be specified explicitly by using, the underlying savegrp command that ism_catalog -create_bootstrap calls.

To perform a full backup of the ISM catalog every time, run the $INFORMIXDIR/bin/savegrp -O -l full ISMData command as the user root.

In this command, -O is a capital O (not a zero), and ISMData is the pool name where the bootstrap data is saved.

You can edit the $INFORMIXDIR/bin/onbar shell script to replace the ism_catalog -create_bootstrap command with the savegrp command.

Redirect the output (both stdout and stderr) of the savegrp command to the ON-Bar activity log file (specified by the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter in onconfig file).