Locking the Notes ID

Locking your IBM® Notes® ID prevents others from using Notes® when you are away from your computer. Locking your ID clears your Notes® credentials and drops all connections to Notes® servers. You must log in again in order to take any new action using Notes®.

About this task

CAUTION: Locking your Notes® ID does not clear or block your computer screen. You and anyone else can still see the applications that were open when your Notes® ID was locked.

Locking your Notes® ID does not affect your IBM® Sametime® or Activities connections.


To set Notes to lock your ID automatically

About this task


  1. Click File > Security > User Security (Macintosh OS X users: Notes > Security > User Security).
  2. Click Security Basics.
  3. Under Logout Settings, select Automatically lock my Notes ID after 90 minutes and enter the number of minutes of inactivity that should go by before Notes® locks your ID.


You can also lock your ID manually by pressing CTRL+F5 or clicking File > Security > Lock Notes ID.