Embedded experiences quick reference

This quick reference includes a screen image, which shows an example of embedded experiences, along with actions that can be taken.
Screen image of product showing different areas of the screen highlighted

Table 1. Example: IBM Connections Files embedded experiences
Option Description
Preview This allows you to preview the file in a separate tab. In this example, selecting Preview displays the .JPG image at full-size, in a separate tab.
Download Select this option to download the .JPG file to your machine.
Like icon(Like)/Unlike Use these options as a way to promote, or demote, the example .JPG file. The number of Likes will appear with the file on IBM Connections Files.
Add a comment Allows you to comment directly on the example file. The comments will appear with the file on IBM Connections Files.
Show Original Email Selecting this option will display the email notification with no embedded experiences. In this example, the original email will contain a link to the file on IBM Connections Files, and clicking the link will open IBM Connections in a browser.