What can I do with the XPages-based widget catalog?

The widget catalog is now available as an XPages application, with expanded view and search capabilities. For more details about administering this feature, see the Domino Administrator Help. The following features are available to users in the XPages-based widget catalog; access to these features depends on the access level provided to you by your administrator.

Browse the catalog

You can browse the XPages based catalog by accessing the preset views, such as All Widgets, By Author, By Category and By Type. You can also browse the catalog by different products. Click the + icon in the last column of each view to expand the details of a widget. To install an individual widget from the catalog, drag the Drag to install widget icon from the view, and drop it to your My Widgets sidebar panel.

Search the catalog

If a full text index is created on the database, two search sections will appear on the catalog. One is on the header bar, which is used to search widgets in the database. The other is in the tag section, which is used to search widgets with a specific tag.

The XPages based catalog also provides integration with the Notes search center. If a full text index is created, and the XPages based catalog is open in the Notes client, you can use the Notes search center to search widgets. Search center will search widgets within the currently selected view.

Open a widget in the catalog

Click the widget title link from a view to open the widget and see detailed information; ratings, tags, and comments can be created for the widget on this page.

To install the current widget, drag the Drag to install icon and drop it to your My Widgets sidebar panel. Note that the download count of the current widget will not update immediately; a scheduled agent will calculate and update the total download counts.

  • Rate a widget - A widget can be rated by clicking stars on the widget details page. Only users with the [Admins] or [RatingAuthor] role are able to rate a widget. A user is only allowed to rate a widget once.
  • Tag a widget - A widget can be tagged by clicking the Edit Tags icon on the widget details page. Only users with the [Admins] or [TagAuthor] role are able to tag a widget.
  • Comment on a widget - Comments can be added to a widget by clicking the Add a comment link under the Comments tab on the widget details page. Only users with the [Admins] or [CommentAuthor] role are able to create comments.

Download a widget's extension.xml file from the catalog

You can download the extension.xml of a widget by doing the following:
  1. Open the widget details page for the widget.
  2. Open the Details tab.
  3. Expand the Attachment section.
  4. Use the extension.xml link to download the file.
Note: Please note that the download count is not increased when downloading extension.xml file.

Add a new widget from the catalog

Users with the [Admins] or [WidgetAuthor] role are able to create new widgets from the XPages-based catalog.

The XPages-based catalog provides an XPages based submission form to add/update a widget. You can use this form to create a new widget. There are two ways to open the submission form:
  1. Click the 'Add Widget' button from any view.
  2. Right click on an existing widget in the My Widgets sidebar panel and select Publish to catalog.
Note: Please note that only users with the [Admins] role can assign widgets to categories.

Update a widget from the catalog

Users with the [WidgetAuthor] role and a minimum of Author access are able to update their own widgets. Users with the [Admins] role are able to update any widget. A widget can be updated by the following steps:
  1. Open widget details page for the widget that you want to update.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Update the widget info.
  4. Click the Submit button.
Note: Please note that only users with the [Admins] role can assign widgets to categories.
Users with the [Admins] role will see a Comments section at the bottom of the document. Administrators can select and delete improper comments with the Delete selected comments link in this section. Please note that this link will delete the comments immediately, whether the form is submitted or not.

Delete a widget from the catalog

Users with the [WidgetAuthor] role and delete permission are able to delete their own widgets. Users with the [Admins] role and delete permission are able to delete any widget. A widget can be deleted by the following steps:
  1. Open widget details page for the widget that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button.