Using Notes shared login to eliminate Notes password prompts

Notes® shared login (hereafter shared login) allows you to start IBM® Notes® and use your User ID without having to provide a Notes® password. You only need to log in to Microsoft® Windows® using your Windows® password. Your administrator controls whether you can use shared login.

About this task

You cannot use shared login if any of the following conditions is true:

  • you use a computer that does not run Microsoft® Windows®
  • you use a Smartcard to log in to Notes®
  • your User ID is protected by multiple passwords
  • you are a roaming user that uses a roaming ID
  • you run Notes® on a USB drive
  • you use a mandatory Windows® profile
  • you are running Notes® in a Citrix environment


Thing to know about using shared login

About this task

You should also be aware of the following characteristics of shared login:

  • The shared login feature requires that you log in to Windows® on the computer and as the user used to activate the shared login feature. Otherwise, you are not be able to start Notes®.
  • To copy your User ID, you must use a special procedure that adds a Notes® password to the ID.
  • You are prompted for your Windows® password when you open the User Security window, or when you unlock your User ID after locking it.
  • Your Windows® password can be changed at any time, either by you on your computer, or by your administrator.
  • You cannot synchronize your Internet password with your Notes® password because your Notes password no longer exists.
  • If you are a roaming user, you can use this feature if you leave your ID on the Windows® machine on which shared login was activated.
  • If you use a Windows® roaming profile you should log in to an Active Directory domain controller from one computer at a time. If you are logged in from more than one computer, there is a possibility that Notes® may not be able to decrypt your ID file.
  • You do not need to provide a Notes® password if you log into a Notes-based application .

If your Notes® ID is enabled for shared login, a dialog box is displayed if an unsuccessful login attempt is made.

Unsuccessful log-ins are rare and would most likely occur if:

  • You try to log in as a different Windows® user than the one who enabled shared login for the current Notes® ID.
  • You enabled shared login on a different computer, and copied the Notes® ID to this machine through the operating system rather than by using the Copy ID feature.
  • The Notes® ID itself is damaged.
