Certificates in your ID file

You can display all IBM® Notes® and Internet certificates that are found in your User ID.

Choose File > Security > User Security (Macintosh OS X users: Notes > Security > User Security), and then clicking Your Identity > Your Certificates.

In the "Certificates in your ID file" dialog box, choose any of the following certificate views from the drop-down list to view the certificates found in your User ID.

Note: When you change the type of certificates to view in the drop-down list, the explanation of the certificate view changes.
Table 1. Certificate views

Types of certificates to view

Definition of certificate types

Your Notes® Certificates (default)

All Notes® certificates that are issued to you only.

Your Internet Certificates

All Internet certificates that are issued to you only.

All Notes® Certificates

All Notes® certificates that are issued to you and the certificates for the certificate authorities that issued your certificates.

All Internet Certificates

All Internet certificates that are issued to you and the certificates for the certificate authorities that issued your certificates.

Note: The Internet certificate that is designated as the default signing certificate for SMIME email is indicated with a check mark in the icon next to the certificate name.

All Certificates

All Notes® and Internet certificates and the certificates for the certificate authorities that issued the certificates.

Your Notes® Saved Keys

Notes® public pending keys if you requested a new public key, or archived public keys that Notes® still uses to decrypt data that was encrypted with those keys. (You have an archived Notes® key if you request and receive a change to your Notes® public key.)

Your Internet Saved Keys

Archived Internet keys that Notes® still uses to decrypt data that was encrypted with those keys. (You have an archived Internet key that is stored when you delete an Internet certificate from your User ID.)

All Saved Keys

All Notes® pending keys if you requested a new public key, or archived Notes® and Internet keys that Notes® still uses to decrypt data that was encrypted with those keys.


Notes® and Internet certificates, certificate authority certificates, and saved keys.

For more details about individual certificates, select the certificate and click the "Advanced Details" button. You can view information about the selected certificate, such as the type of certificate, to whom it is issued, and the unique key identifier, by referring below the selected certificate.