System requirements


Processor 2 Cores (Minimum) or 8 Cores (Recommended)
Memory The amount of required memory scales with the number of connected agents:
  • less than 100 agents: 4 GB
  • 100 to 500 agents: 8 GB
  • 500 to 5000 agents: 24 GB
  • Greater than 5000 agents: 32 GB
Network Gigabit (1000) Ethernet with low-latency to the database
Storage - Database 200-400 GB
Storage - Codestation Average Artifact size * # of versions imported per day * avg # of days before cleanup
Storage - Per Deployment 1MB per deployment
Other - Java Xmx Settings For production installation, Java's Xmx setting needs to be increased:
  • less than 100 agents: 2 GB
  • 100 to 500 agents: 4 GB
  • 500 to 5000 agents: 16 GB
  • Greater than 5000 agents: 24 GB


Processor 2 Cores
Memory 4 GBs
Network Gigabit (1000) Ethernet
Storage 20GB

Agent relay

Table 1.
Processor 2 Cores
Memory 2 GB
Network Gigabit (1000) Ethernet
Storage Storage: 2GB (2GB + 2* cache size if using artifact caching)