Creating source plug-ins

Source-type plug-ins are defined the same way that automation-type plug-ins are defined except for some modifications to the plugin.xml file.

Like automation plug-ins, source plug-ins are defined with two files, an info.xml file and a plugin.xml file. The structure of the first file is identical for both plug-in types. The structure of the plugin.xml file varies depending on the type of plug-in. For information about the plugin.xml file for automation plug-ins, see The plugin.xml file for automation plug-ins.

The following code fragment is an example of a source plug-in file. The <server:plugin-type>Source</server:plugin-type> tag identifies the type of plug-in. For source plug-ins, the type must be Source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- the xmlns:server argument is necessary to parse the tags with the server prefix -->
<plugin xmlns="" 
    <identifier id="com.urbancode.air.plugin.source.Name" name="Plugin Name" version="1"/>
    <description>Short description</description>


A source plug-in has one step, which must be named Import Version:

     <step-type name="Import Version">
      <description>Creates a new component version and imports artifacts</description>
        if (properties.get("exitCode") != 0) {
            properties.put(new java.lang.String("Status"), new java.lang.String("Failure"));
        else {
            properties.put("Status", "Success");
      <command program="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java">
        <arg value="${JAVA_OPTS}"/>
        <arg value="-jar"/>
        <arg file="FileSystemSourceConfig.jar"/>
        <arg value="ImportVersion"/>
        <arg file="${PLUGIN_INPUT_PROPS}"/>
        <arg file="${PLUGIN_OUTPUT_PROPS}"/>

As shown in the following code fragment, source plug-ins have two property groups. Component type properties are configured with the Create Component window. Import type properties are configured with the Import Component window.

    <!-- ==================================== -->
    <!--   Properties                         -->
    <!-- ==================================== -->
    <server:property-group type="Component" name="FileSystemComponentProperties">
      <server:property name="property-name" required="true">
        <server:property-ui type="textBox"
                            description="property-description" />
       <!-- If left empty or omitted then no dialog will appear -->
    <server:property-group type="Import" name="FileSystemImportProperties">
      <server:property name="property-name" required="true">
        <server:property-ui type="textBox"
                            description="property-description" />