Padded to > SizedAs

Use the Padded to > SizedAs property to specify that padding is measured in either bytes or characters. The default setting is Bytes.

Trace file and audit log lengths are always reported in bytes.

Table 1. Pad implementation example (bytes compared to characters)
Scenario for empty field: Result:

Data language is UTF-8

Pad > Value = À (hexadecimal representation = 0xC3 0x80)

Pad > Padded to = Fixed Size

Padded to > Length = 5

Padded to > SizedAs = Bytes

Two À pad characters using 4 bytes.

Data language is UTF-8

Pad > Value = À (hexadecimal representation = 0xC3 0x80)

Pad > Padded to = Fixed Size

Padded to > Length = 5

Padded to > SizedAs = Characters

Five À pad characters totaling 10 UTF-8 bytes.