What's new

Learn about the new and changed functions and features in HCL Link version

New adapters
  • SAP R/3 ALE adapter: The SAP R/3 ALE adapter provides facility to send and receive IDocs from SAP R/3 system.
  • RabbitMQ adapter: The RabbitMQ adapter provides access to RabbitMQ message broker exchanges and queues. The RabbitMQ adapter is used in maps and flows to send messages to the specified exchange or to receive messages from the specified queue.
  • SOAP adapter: The SOAP adapter is a solution where Link can interpret the SOAP request and response messages and provide easy mapping to and from the SOAP endpoints.
Updates to existing adapter
  • SOAP (Legacy) adapter: Existing SOAP adapter renamed as SOAP (Legacy) adapter.
  • Consolidated all configuration into config.yaml file. All options in dtx.ini, hip-server.env, and tx-rest.properties are now combined into a single config.yaml file for easier configuration.
  • Two kinds of expansion expressions are now supported in config.yaml: Environment variable expansion expressions and master key file (MKF) encryption expansion expressions.
New Nodes
  • Status node: The Status node is added to implement a mechanism to invoke a 'status flow' that is run after a flow either succeeds or errors out.
  • SOAP node: The SOAP node helps to extend the existing REST adapter/client to provide a simple and powerful way to access the REST services.
Updates to existing node
  • Split node: The Split node is now supporting the splitting JSON Arrays. If a JSON document contains a large JSON arrays, it is possible to speed up the JSON document processing by using the Split node, user can specify path to the JSON array inside the JSON document that should be split by the Split node and processed in parallel by the downstream nodes.
Rest Enhancements
  • SSL/TLS support in REST Adapter: The SSL/TLS provides stricter security for HTTPS connections involving very selected parties.
  • Pagination support in REST Adapter: Pagination turns big archives of data into smaller, more digestible pieces.
  • Provide REST API to dynamically update Flow and Map execution trace level and scaling parameters (maximum number of execution threads).