Testing Connections

When defining a RabbitMQ connection in the web UI, the Test option is provided to verify the connections settings by attempting to connect to the RabbitMQ broker specified in the connection definition.

For implementing the Test function, the adapter tries to establish AMQP connection to the RabbitMQ host at the port specified in the Port property. The user credentials and the TLS settings if enabled for the AMQP connection are utilized when establishing the connection and are therefore verified by the test operation.

The Management Port property is not used when performing the test operation from the UI, so the ability to establish HTTP connection to the broker is not verified by the test operation. The testing of HTTP connection is performed indirectly from the UI by listing the available queues and exchanges in the UI page on which the action, card, or node properties for the adapter are defined. Since those operations are performed using management API calls to the broker that require HTTP connection to the broker performing them will result in testing the Management Port property along with the credentials and TLS settings, if those have been enabled for the HTTP connections.