RabbitMQ adapter as a source

The RabbitMQ adapter as a source:
  • Can be used as a data source for input card in maps, and a source node in flows. In this capacity, the adapter connects to the broker and receive messages from the queue specified in the Queue Name property.
  • Can be configured to act as a watch for the source nodes in flows. In this capacity, the adapter is utilized from the listener service and registers itself with the RabbitMQ broker to notify the messages arriving on the queue specified in the Queue Name property. The adapter captures the messages and reports them as events which in turn are used to trigger instances of the flow in which the watch is defined. When an instance of the flow runs, the input node in the flow on which the watch is defined operates on the data collected from the event that triggered the flow instance without a need to connect to the broker again.
  • Receives messages from the specified queue with support of multiple Receiving Guarantee Mode. In the simplest cases, the adapter can be configured to read messages with automatic acknowledgment which removes messages from the queue immediately and with automatic negative acknowledgment which always restores messages on the queue. The adapter can also be configured to acknowledge messages positively or negatively to the broker and to receive messages under AMQP transactions and commit or roll back the transactions based on the reported execution status in the map or flow.
  • Provides support for accessing payloads and message properties in the received messages including custom message headers which all can be used in the transformation logic defined for the map or flow. When providing message properties along with the payload data, the adapter reports them together in form of JSON documents. The adapter supports encoding binary message payloads as base64 or hex-digit pairs encoded values in JSON documents that cannot be represented as text.