Route Node

The Route Node provides a way to route data conditionally to one or more outputs of the node. The node bases decisions by evaluating a condition for a flow variable and determining whether to send the data to output 1 or 2 or both, based on the result of the condition.

Route mode operates in two conditional modes:
  • In Single Condition mode, data is sent to output 1, if the condition is set to true. Data is sent to output 2, if it is set to false.
  • In Multiple Condition mode, output 1 and output 2 conditions are independently evaluated. If output 1 condition is set to true, data is sent to output 1. If output 2 condition is set to true, data is sent to output 2.

See the Route example to demonstrate the usage and behavior of Route node used in a flow. The Route node example contains a readme file that contains detailed instructions about how to run the example.