System Configuration

The documentation provided here describes how to configure the HCL Link Native installation.

There are two files to configure before installation (use ‘native’ post-fixed versions):
  • hip-server-native.env

To re-configure after installation, update those files, and run the install command. This will overwrite the configuration files in the install directory.

You will notice several directories specified in those configuration files. If the user or group you install as lacks R/W access to these directories, you will need a system administrator to create them and transfer ownership.

If you are installing as non-root (recommended), you must change the HIP_HTTPS_PORT specified in hip-server-native.env to a number above 1024. The standard Linux kernel prevents regular users from starting processes that bind to any port below 1024. You can also use setcap to overcome this limitation, as shown below:

Install Link before using setcap:

sudo setcap ‘cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ <link_package>/node-context/install/nodejs/bin/node