Specify a range of rows

The following query shows two ways to specify a range of rows in a WHERE clause.
Figure 1: Query
SELECT catalog_num, stock_num, manu_code, cat_advert
   FROM catalog
   WHERE catalog_num BETWEEN 10005 AND 10008;

SELECT catalog_num, stock_num, manu_code, cat_advert
   FROM catalog
   WHERE catalog_num >= 10005 AND catalog_num <= 10008;
Each statement in the query specifies a range for catalog_num from 10005 through 10008, inclusive. The first statement uses keywords, and the second statement uses relational operators to retrieve the rows, as the result shows.
Figure 2: Query result
catalog_num  10005
stock_num    3
manu_code    HSK
cat_advert   High-Technology Design Expands the Sweet Spot

catalog_num  10006
stock_num    3
manu_code    SHM
cat_advert   Durable Aluminum for High School and Collegiate Athletes

catalog_num  10007
stock_num    4
manu_code    HSK
cat_advert   Quality Pigskin with Joe Namath Signature

catalog_num  10008
stock_num    4
manu_code    HRO
cat_advert   Highest Quality Football for High School
              and Collegiate Competitions

Although the catalog table includes a column with the BYTE data type, that column is not included in this SELECT statement because the output would show only the words <BYTE value> by the column name. You can write an SQL API application to display TEXT and BYTE values.