Files installed on UNIX or Linux

The runsnmp.ksh file exists for all UNIX™ versions of SNMP support.

The following files are installed in $INFORMIXDIR/bin.
Table 1. Files installed in $INFORMIXDIR/bin
File name Description
onsnmp OnSNMP executable file
onsrvapd Server discovery process
snmpdm EMANATE executable or a dummy file for UNIX platforms that EMANATE does not support
The following files are installed in $INFORMIXDIR/snmp.
Table 2. Files installed in $INFORMIXDIR/snmp
File name Description
./snmpr/snmpd.cnf EMANATE configuration file or a dummy file for UNIX platforms that EMANATE does not support
.runsnmp.ksh Script that starts the master agent and onsrvapd
OnSNMP uses the following log files by default.
Table 3. Default log files
File name Description
snmp.log Log file for EMANATE; not installed on UNIX platforms that EMANATE does not support
onsrvapd.log Log file for onsrvapd.

For HCL Informix®, the path is onsnmp.servername.log

Log file for onsnmp.