Setting up an in-house CA with GSKit

About this task

The CA needs a private key and corresponding self-signed certificate for signing and issuing user certificates. These two items are created and kept in a PKCS #12 keystore which is created and owned by the CA itself.


Following three steps in this section are performed in the role of the CA:
  1. Create an empty keystore for the CA:
    $ gsk8capicmd -keydb -create -db rootCA1.p12 -pw r1passwd -type p12

    The command creates an empty keystore in file "rootCA1.p12" with password "r1passwd". The "gsk8capicmd" utility can handle keystores of different formats. The option "-type p12" specifies the PKCS #12 format for the new keystore.

  2. Create a root CA certificate and private key in the keystore:
     $ mydn="C=US,ST=Florida,L=Anytown,O=Acme Software Inc.,OU=Database CA,"
     $ mydn=${mydn}"CN=Database CA Root1/"
     $ gsk8capicmd -cert -create -db rootCA1.p12 -pw r1passwd -label rootCA1 \
     > -dn "${mydn}" -size 2048 -ca true -sigalg SHA256WithRSA

    As the certificate must be a root CA certificate, the command used creates a self-signed certificate and implicitly the corresponding private key in the keystore "rootCA1.p12". To access the keystore, the password "r1passwd" is provided. The label (aka "friendly name") of the new certificate is "rootCA1". This label name is later used to refer to this certificate for further operations.

    The option "-dn ..." specifies the distinguished subject name of the certificate owner. As this is a self-signed certificate, the issuer name automatically is the same as the subject name. For convenience, the longish subject name is given as the variable "${mydn}", defined by the previous two shell commands. A distinguished name consists of several fields like country, state, location, organization, organizational unit, common name, etc. The fields are composed of the field specifier, '=', and the field value string. "C=US" therefore means field "country" has the value "US". The fields are separated by comma. Note that the individual fields have a maximum length. E.g. the country field can only have two characters for the 2-letter country code.

    The size of the private key is given as 2048 bit. The option "-ca true" includes the X509 version 3 extension "basicConstraints" with the attribute values "critical" and "ca = true". The option "-sigalg SHA256WithRSA" specifies the signature algorithm "SHA256WithRSASignature" to be used for the certificate. These three options ensure that the certificate is compatible with different crypto libraries, especially for newer versions.

    The following command can be used to list the content of the keystore:
    $ gsk8capicmd -cert -list -db rootCA1.p12 -pw r1passwd
     Certificates found
     * default, - personal, ! trusted, # secret key
     - rootCA1

    The certificate with label "rootCA1" is listed as a "personal" certificate, because it is associated with its corresponding private key in the keystore.

    Details on the certificate with label "rootCA1" can be obtained with this command:
     $ gsk8capicmd -cert -details -db rootCA1.p12 -pw r1passwd -label rootCA1
     Label : rootCA1
     Key Size : 2048
     Version : X509 V3
     Serial : 7c15e9d031ea7f9d
     Issuer : "CN=Database CA Root1/emailAddress\,OU=Database CA,O=Acm
     Subject : "CN=Database CA Root1/emailAddress\,OU=Database CA,O=Ac
     Not Before : November 13, 2022 8:28:24 AM CST
     Not After : November 14, 2023 8:28:24 AM CST
     Public Key
         30 82 01 22 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 01
     Public Key Type : RSA (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
     Fingerprint : SHA1 : 
         89 A0 58 49 20 71 94 C0 9F 7C 4E 2B FE 7A E3 37
         E8 30 50 24
     Fingerprint : MD5 : 
         4F 06 3C E8 43 E6 5A 7F 80 34 C1 AA A8 89 62 DA
     Fingerprint : SHA256 : 
         32 66 16 B2 F0 9E DB C9 AC 45 7D 01 D6 78 C2 62
         BE 22 AA 00 5C 01 5C 98 84 E4 B9 E9 B5 0C D6 0B
     Fingerprint : HPKP : 
             ca = true
         28 D0 B2 DD E3 F9 26 06 C9 56 76 5E 17 5E 0A 21
         C4 9A 85 46
         28 D0 B2 DD E3 F9 26 06 C9 56 76 5E 17 5E 0A 21
         C4 9A 85 46
     Signature Algorithm : SHA256WithRSASignature (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11)
        55 3F 85 B3 06 AE E8 C8 37 B7 09 35 D1 C4 15 9F

    As a root CA certificate, it is self-signed. Therefore, subject name and issuer name are the same. For the same reason, the X509 version 3 extensions SubjectKeyIdentifier and AuthorityKeyIdentifier also are the same. The "Extension" named "basicConstraints" has two attributes, "ca = true" and "critical". The attribute "ca = true" makes sure that this certificate can be use to sign new certificates, as well as to validate them later. By default, the new certificate is valid for one year, beginning with the time of the certificate creation. A different validity period can be specified with the option "-expire

    ". However, the start time of the validity is always the time of the certificate creation. (In fact, the start time is one day earlier to avoid otherwise possible issues with different time zones.)
  3. Extract the root CA certificate (without private key) into a PEM file:
     $ gsk8capicmd -cert -extract -db rootCA1.p12 -pw r1passwd -label rootCA1 \
     > -target rootCA1.cert.pem -format ascii

    The command extracts the certificate with label name "rootCA1" from the keystore file "rootCA1.p12". To access this keystore, password "r1passwd" is provided. The certificate is written in PEM format, as specified with option "-format ascii" into the file "rootCA1.cert.pem". This PEM file is later used to add the root CA certificate to the keystores of the database server and database client. When signing user certificates with this "rootCA1" keystore, the "rootCA1" certificate extracted here then should be distributed to the users together with the newly issued user certificate.