Check pages with the -pT option

The -pT option performs standard R-tree index checks and prints out a summary of information about the index for each index fragment. In addition, this option also displays information about the indexed table.

The following example shows how to use the -pT option:
oncheck -pT rtree_db:polygons
The following example shows the type of output that oncheck -pT displays:
Tree Depth: 3
Internal Pages: 11
Leaf Pages: 125
Empty Pages: 0
Total Pages: 136
Root page items: 10
Leaf Page Tuples: 1000
Internal Page Tuples: 135
Avg. Leaf Page Tuples per Leaf Page: 8.0
Space utilization:
Total Space: 278528
Free Space: 82880
Total Page Overhead: 59028
User Data Space: 136620
User Free Space: 119380
User Page Overhead: 36500
Total: user data: 49.1%, free 29.8%, overhead 21.2%
User Pages Only: data 53.4%, free 42.9%, overhead 14.3%