
Since the Informix® ODBC Driver supports different types of Unicode on UNIX™ platforms, the type of Unicode used by an application must be indicated in the ODBC section of the odbc.ini file.

Indicate the type of Unicode in the ODBC section as follows:
Important: A Unicode-enabled application must indicate the type of Unicode used in the odbc.ini file. If the Unicode parameter is not set in odbc.ini, the default type is UCS-4.
It is required that all UNIX ODBC applications must set the Unicode type in the odbc.ini file as follows:
  • An ANSI ODBC application on UNIX (including AIX® 64-bit) must set UNICODE=UCS-4
  • An ANSI ODBC application on IBM® AIX 32-bit must set UNICODE-UCS-2
  • An ANSI ODBC application that uses the Data Direct (formerly Merant) ODBC driver manager never indicates a Unicode type other than UTF-8 in the odbc.ini file.
The following table provides an overview of the odbc.ini settings:
Platform Driver manager odbc.ini setting
AIX Data Direct UTF-8
AIX 32-bit DMR or none UCS-2
AIX 64-bit Data Direct UTF-8
UNIX Data Direct UTF-8
UNIX DMR or none UCS-4
Windows™ Windows ODBC Driver Manager N/A
If all of the following conditions exist, the settings are automatically reset without any warning or error message:
  • The application is an ANSI application.
  • You are linking with DMR or none.
  • The Unicode setting in the odbc.ini file does not match the values shown in the table.