ODBC component overview

ODBC with the Informix® ODBC Driver includes several components.

ODBC with the Informix ODBC Driver can include the following components:
  • Driver manager

    An application can link to a driver manager, which links to the driver specified by the data source. The driver manager also checks parameters and transitions. On most UNIX™ platforms, the ODBC Driver Manager can be purchased from a third-party vendor.

    On Microsoft™ Windows™ platforms, the ODBC Driver Manager is a part of the OS.

  • Informix ODBC Driver
    The driver provides an interface to Informix database server. Applications can use the driver in the following configurations:
    • to link to the ODBC driver manager
    • to link to the Driver Manager Replacement & the driver
    • to link to the driver directly
  • Data sources
    The driver provides access to the following data sources:
    • database management systems (DBMS), including a database server
    • databases
    • operating systems and network software required for accessing the database