IfxTimeUnit enumeration

IfxTimeUnit is an enumeration that holds the valid time units used with IfxDateTime, IfxMonthSpan, and IfxTimeSpan. IfxTimeUnit has members for each of the major time units.

Table 1. The non-fraction members of IfxTimeUnit
IfxTimeUnit memberUnit
Month Months
Day Days
Hour Hours
Minute Minutes
Second Full seconds

It also has several members that represent fractions of a second at several different precisions.

Table 2. Fractional members of IfxTimeUnit
IfxTimeUnit memberPrecision Example
Fraction1Tenths of a second 1962-04-16 11:35:10.1
Fraction2Hundredths of a second 1962-04-16 11:35:10.12
Fraction or Fraction3Thousandths of a second1962-04-16 11:35:10.123
Fraction4Ten thousandths of a second1962-04-16 11:35:10.1234
Fraction5 Hundred thousandths of a second1962-04-16 11:35:10.12345

The HCL Informix® time data types include properties that return the fractions of a second portion as milliseconds (thousandths of a second). They do not, however, include properties that return the fractions of a second in any of the other precisions.