Return value from Statement.executeBatch() method

The return value differs from the JDBC 3.0 specification in the following ways:
  • If the IFX_BATCHUPDATE_PER_SPEC environment variable is set to 0, only the update count of the first statement executed in the batch is returned. If the IFX_BATCHUPDATE_PER_SPEC environment variable is set to 1 (the default), the return value equals the number of rows affected by all SQL statements executed by Statement.executeBatch(). For more information, see Informix environment variables with the Informix JDBC Driver.
  • When errors occur in a batch update executed in a Statement object, no rows are affected by the statement; the statement is not executed. Calling BatchUpdateException.getUpdateCounts() returns 0 in this case.
  • When errors occur in a batch update executed in a PreparedStatement object, rows that were successfully inserted or updated on the database server do not revert to their pre-updated state. However, the statements are not always committed; they are still subject to the underlying autocommit mode.

The example file shows how to send batch updates to the database server.