List GLS locale files

The glfiles utility can create a file that lists the available GLS locales.

The glfiles utility creates the file in the following ways:
  • When you specify the -lc command-line option
  • When you omit all command-line options

For each lcX subdirectory in the gls directory specified in INFORMIXDIR, glfiles creates a file in the current directory that is called lcX.txt, where X is the version number of the locale object-file format. The lcX.txt file lists the locales in alphabetical order, sorted on the name of the GLS locale object file.

Examine the lcX.txt files to determine the GLS locales that the $INFORMIXDIR/gls/lcX directory on your system supports.

To find out which GLS locales are available on your Windows™ system, you must look in the GLS system directories. A GLS locale resides in the file %INFORMIXDIR%\gls\lcX\lg_tr\codemodf.lco

In this path, INFORMIXDIR is the environment variable that specifies the directory in which you install the HCL Informix® product, gls is the subdirectory that contains the GLS system files, X represents the version number of the locale file format, lg is the two-character language name, tr is the two-character territory name that the locale supports, and codemodf is the condensed locale name.