Format date strings

A date-formatting mask specifies a format to apply to some date value.

This mask is a combination of the following formats.
Day of the month as a two-digit number (01 - 31)
Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation (Sun - Sat)
Month as a two-digit number (01 - 12)
Month as a three-letter abbreviation (Jan - Dec)
Year as a two-digit number (00 - 99)
Year as a four-digit number (0001 - 9999)
Day of the week as a two-digit number (00 for Sunday, 01 for Monday, 02 for Tuesday 06 for Saturday)

Any other characters in the formatting mask are reproduced literally in the result.

When you use rfmtdate() or rdefmtdate() to format DATE values, the function uses the date end-user formats that the GLDATE or DBDATE environment variable specifies. If neither of these environment variables is set, these date-formatting functions use the date end-user formats for the locale. The default locale, U.S. English, uses the format mm/dd/yyyy. For a discussion of GLDATE and DBDATE environment variables, see the Informix® GLS User's Guide.