Unbuffered Logging

Databases on all server instances involved in replication must be created with logging.

Enterprise Replication evaluates the logical log for transactions that modify tables defined for replication. If a table defined for replication resides in a database that uses buffered logging, the transactions are not immediately written to the logical log, but are instead buffered and then written to the logical log in a block of logical records. When this occurs, Informix® Enterprise Replication evaluates the buffer of logical-log records all at once. Buffered logging can require more time to flush the logs to disk. When you define a table for replication in a database created with unbuffered logging, Enterprise Replication can evaluate the transactions as they are produced.

Unlogged changes to a table, such as when data is added by a light append, can be replicated to other tables.

To create a database with unbuffered logging, use:

To minimize impact on the system, Informix® Enterprise Replication uses buffered logging whenever possible, even if the database is defined as unbuffered. For more information, see the section on CREATE DATABASE in the Informix® Database Design and Implementation Guide.