MQTrace() function

The MQTrace() procedure specifies the level of tracing and the location to which the trace file is written.


1  MQTRACE ( trace_level , trace_file )
Required parameter. Integer value specifying the trace level, currently only a value of greater than 50 results in output.
Required parameter. The full path and name of the file to which trace information is appended. The file must be writable by user informix.
To enable tracing, you must first create a trace class by inserting a record into the systemtraceclasses system catalog:
insert into informix.systraceclasses(name) values ('idsmq')

For more details regarding tracing, see the Informix® Guide to SQL: Reference.


Enable tracing at a level of 50 with an output file of /tmp/trace.log:
EXECUTE PROCEDURE MQTrace(50, '/tmp/trace.log');
Execute a request:
Look at the trace output:
14:19:38 Trace ON level : 50
14:19:47  >>ENTER : mqSend<<
14:19:47    status:corrid is null
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqOpen<<
14:19:47   status:MqOpen @ build_get_mq_cache()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : build_get_mq_cache<<
14:19:47   status:build_get_mq_cache @ mi_get_database_info()
14:19:47   status:build_get_mq_cache @ build_mq_service_cache()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : build_mq_service_cache<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : build_mq_service_cache>>
14:19:47   status:build_get_mq_cache @ build_mq_policy_cache()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : build_mq_policy_cache<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : build_mq_policy_cache>>
14:19:47   status:build_get_mq_cache @ build_mq_pubsub_cache()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : build_mq_pubsub_cache<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : build_mq_pubsub_cache>>
14:19:47  <<EXIT : build_get_mq_cache>>
14:19:47   status:MqOpen @ MqiGetServicePolicy()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqiGetServicePolicy<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqiGetServicePolicy>>
14:19:47    MQI:MqOpen @ MQCONNX()
14:19:47   status:MqOpen @ MqXadsRegister()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqXadsRegister<<
14:19:47   status:MqXadsRegister @ ax_reg()
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqXadsRegister>>
14:19:47   status:MqOpen @ MqGetMqiContext()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqGetMqiContext<<
14:19:47    MQI:MqGetMqiContext @ MQOPEN()
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqGetMqiContext>>
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqOpen>>
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqTransmit<<
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqBuildMQPMO<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqBuildMQPMO>>
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqBuildMQMDSend<<
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqBuildMQMDSend>>
14:19:47    MQI:MqTransmit @ MQPUT()
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqTransmit>>
14:19:47  <<EXIT : mqSend>>
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqEndTran<<
14:19:47    MQI:MqEndTran @ MQCMIT()
14:19:47   status:MqEndTran @ MqShut()
14:19:47  >>ENTER : MqShut<< 
14:19:47   status:MqEndTran @ MQDISC
14:19:47  <<EXIT : MqEndTran>>: