Assigning a database server and test database to a project

About this task

The first time you open a DataBlade® module workspace file in Visual C++, a dialog box asks if you want to select a local database server to assign to the project. You can assign a database server and database to a project in the Configure DBDK Visual C++ Add-In dialog box of the DBDK Visual C++ Add-In.

To specify a database server and create a database:


  1. In the dialog box asking if you want to select a local server, click Yes.
  2. If a dialog box asks if you want to start the local server, click No.
  3. In the Configure DBDK Visual C++ Add-In dialog box, select a local database server from the list.
  4. In the DBDK Database text box, type the name of the test database.
  5. Click OK.


If you want to change the database server or database for the project, click the Configure DBDK Visual C++ Add-In dialog box button on the add-in toolbar.