Creating a shared-object file on Windows:

About this task

To create a shared-object file on Windows™:


  1. Load the abs.o object file into a DLL named abs.dll, as the following example shows:
    link /DLL /OUT:abs.dll /DEF:abs.def abs.obj d:\informix\lib\SAPI.LIB

    The preceding command uses the HCL Informix® software installed on the d: drive in a directory named informix.

  2. If you are using Visual Studio 2005, embed the manifest file in the DLL with this command:
    mt -manifest abs.dll.manifest -outputresource:abs.dll;2

    The manifest file abs.dll.manifest was generated by the link command in step 1. The mt command embeds this manifest file in abs.dll. For more information about manifests, see the Microsoft™ website.

  3. Put the DLL in a directory on which user informix has read permission and set the READONLY attribute with the attrib +r command:
    attrib +r abs.dll