bar_act.log file: ON-Bar activity log

ON-Bar writes informational, progress, warning, error, and debugging messages to the ON-Bar activity log, bar_act.log.

ON-Bar backup and restore errors do not appear in standard output. If an error occurs when you back up and restore data, check information in the ON-Bar activity log

You can also use the activity log to:
  • Monitor backup and restore activities such as, which storage spaces and logical logs were backed up or restored, the progress of the operation, and approximately how long it took.
  • Verify whether a backup or restore succeeded.
  • Track errors from the ondblog utility.
  • Track ON-Bar performance statistics

The ON-Bar activity log is in the /tmp directory on UNIX and in the %INFORMIXDIR%\etc directory on Windows. You specify the location of the ON-Bar activity log with the BAR_ACT_LOG configuration parameter.