Switching from ontape to ON-Bar

You cannot back up data with ontape and restore it with ON-Bar, or conversely because the data storage formats and backup capabilities are different. However, you can back up data with ontape, prepare to use ON-Bar, and then back up with ON-Bar.

About this task

To switch from ontape to ON-Bar:


  1. Use ontape to perform a full backup.
  2. Take the backup media offline to prevent possible reuse or erasure.
  3. Configure the storage manager to be used with ON-Bar.
  4. Configure your environment:
    1. Set the configuration parameters that you use with ON-Bar and the storage manager.
    2. If you use a storage manager other than the Informix® Primary Storage Manager, create the sm_versions file with the storage-manager definition. The Informix® Primary Storage Manager does not use the sm_versions.std file.
  5. Use ON-Bar (onbar -b or onbar -b -w) to perform a full backup.
  6. Verify the backup with the onbar -v command.